May is Foster Care Awareness Month and as a former foster parent, the importance of bringing awareness to our community is one that is both personally and pro...
Our Autism Parent Navigator program provides information, support, and guidance to help navigate changes at home and to access new treatments and services. Wa...
The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) intends to file waiver amendments with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS... connects families with 60 programs and services for children from birth through age five.COLUMBIA, S.C. – Agency directors, legislators, and othe...
(Columbia, SC, November 10, 2021)—Family Connection of South Carolina received a $2,500 donation from Modern Woodmen of America chapter 12214 in support of Bu...
Buddy Walk 2021!Family Connection of South Carolina is honored to host our 2021 Buddy Walk October as part of our Down syndrome awareness month activities thi...
(COLUMBIA, SC, September 9, 2021) – Early on, Charles and Elizabeth Kinney noticed their daughter Ellington was missing developmental milestones. Eventually E...