Support Our Work

Why the need for Family Connection?
“I wouldn’t change you for the world, but I would change the world for you!”
-- A Parent

Every day, parents of children with disabilities and chronic health conditions face struggles most of us cannot imagine. The pandemic increased these challenges for our families and requests for our services are at an all-time high.

Your investment in our work will help connect more families throughout our state with the resources and services they need to help their children lead rich, full lives with bright futures!

Meet Oliver Burgee

boy sitting on ground

Living with Down syndrome is just one small part of Oliver’s journey. He dreams of becoming a fireman, whose job (according to him) includes saving cats, eating ice cream and passing out balloons to neighborhood children! Even in the face of uncertainty, Oliver’s bravery and strength are a source of courage and pride for his parents. Your donations connect families like the Burgees to the best resources for their children!

You can connect families across South Carolina with the resources they need!

A $100 gift will provide eight families who have a child in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit a Care Notebook and welcome gift for their child.
A $300 gift will train twenty new Support Parents.
Make an impact all year long by joining our monthly donors ! Just $10 per month can help more families receive services!

Your gift of any size will help us:

Collaborate with parents of on how to prepare for special education meetings, such as an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), 504, and Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).

  • Match parents seeking information and support with mentor parents.
  • Assist parents in navigating the systems of medical care and insurance coverage for their children with disabilities or special healthcare needs.

Start a Facebook Fundraiser to increase your impact!      

Join Amazon Smile to donate a % of your Amazon purchases to Family Connection!