Kinship Caregivers Focus Group

Kinship Caregivers Needed for Focus Groups
We want to hear from you. Your opinions and experiences matter!

Who: We are looking for caregivers, ages 18+, who are raising their relatives’ or family friends’ child(ren). We are specifically looking for caregivers of children with mental and/or physical health needs.

What: A focus group as part of a research study to better understand your experience as a kinship caregiver, as well as what supports your family needs.

You are invited to participate in a 60-minute virtual focus group. Participants will receive a $50 gift card after completing the focus group.

Why: We are interested in learning about your experiences to inform the design of a comprehensive support program for kinship caregivers in South Carolina raising children with special health care needs. Our team is from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but we are collaborating with the University of South Carolina and Kindred Hearts South Carolina.

How: Your involvement in this study is completely voluntary and information that you
share with researchers will be kept confidential.

Where: On Zoom (Link to be provided upon registration)

Click the link or scan the QR code if you are interested in participating 

For more information about the study please contact Amanda Klein-Cox at [email protected]. Limited spots are available.


Aug 11 2023


10:00 am - 11:00 pm

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