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The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) gives notice that it intends to submit a 1915 (c) home and community-based waiver amendment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to add attendant care as a self-directed service to the Medically Complex Children (MCC) (SC.0675) waiver program. The addition of the service to the waiver would allow qualifying family members, including parents of minor children, of participants enrolled in the MCC waiver to be the attendant/paid caregiver of the service. Attendants will be subject to the guidelines outlined in the waiver policy. The target date for submission of this waiver action to CMS is on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Implementation of this new service is subject to approval by CMS. Download to learn more.

The South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services (SCDHHS) intends to submit a 1915(c) home and community-based waiver amendment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The purpose of the amendment is to add the caregiver coaching service to the Intellectual Disability/Related Disabilities (ID/RD) (SC.0237) waiver program. The new service will provide training and support to family caregivers of waiver participants with an assessed need for behavior supports. Behavior supports are those services which use current empirically validated practices to identify functions of target behaviors, prevent the occurrence of problem behavior, teach appropriate, functionally equivalent replacement behavior, and react to problematic behavior. The target date for implementation of this new service is on or after Oct. 1, 2024. Implementation is subject to approval by CMS. Download to learn more.