LOOK! 2021

Capturing Moments in the Lives of Children and Young Adults with Disabilities

Dear Friends,

The 2021 LOOK Photography Exhibit is a unique collection of photos offering a glimpse into the lives of children and young adults who happen to have a disability or chronic health condition.

We were honored to have more than 60 families participating in LOOK! 2021! We are truly grateful to the talented photographers who generously donated their time to create memorable photo sessions and beautiful photos for these families. Together they have crafted an inspiring collection which we are proud to share with you in the virtual gallery below, and in the the 2021 LOOK! Book.

The LOOK! Exhibit is very close to our hearts, as it speaks to our goal of creating strong community. It celebrates the families we serve, and we hope the photos and accompanying stories will provide viewers and readers an opportunity to pause, reflect, and appreciate the unique abilities of these extraordinary children and young adults.

Thank you to our participating families for giving us the opportunity to share a moment in your unique journeys. You inspire each of us at Family Connection of South Carolina every day, and we look forward to serving you and many more families in years to come!

2021 Exhibit and Stories

boy sits on some steps

Axel Allburn

Photograph by LaQuanda Hart

young woman holds a clipboard while working in a screen printing shop

Hannah Grace Anderson

Photograph by Lauren Carlson

young boy plays with bubbles

Mason Barlow

Photograph by Micah Green

young girl is held by her father

Maddy Bentley

Photograph by Hannah Carlisle

Boy and a Puppy play with trucks

Sam Blackwood

Photograph by Kiere Lee

boy stands on the beach with is surfboard

Deklan Boyd

Photograph by Michele Coleman

girl plays on a playground

Ka'Niya Bragg

Photograph by Lindsey Livingston

young man waves next to a trash compactor

Austin Branham

Photograph by John Lowry

two brothers hugging

Myles Brown

Photograph by Nina Spinelli

girl learns to walk

Ana Sofia Buscemi

Photograph by Tonya Rangel

mother holds her daughter in a dark room

Halle Ching

Photograph by Emily Barnes

boy plays in a tunnel at a playground

Malachi Conary

Photograph by Neal and Nikki Brett

boy holds his toy truck

Daxton Copeland

Photograph by Micah Green

young boy sits on an ATV

Eli Cox

Photograph by Kristina DiDomenico

boy laughs at someone off camera

Qu’Mari Davis

Photograph by Qu’Mari Davis

young man sits on the back of a pickup truck

Jaylen Evans

Photograph by Pamela Webb

young woman stands with her medels

Merideth Farich

Photograph by Suzanne Messner

boy sits cross-legged in a wagon

Javier Franco

Photograph by Heather Fowler

young man pets a horse with his father

Jesus Garcia

Photograph by Liane Almeida

boy plays with toy cars in the park

Cairo Gardener

Photograph by Cairo Gardener

boy stands behind a tree

Braden Green

Photograph by Michelle Sexton

girl sits on a stone wall

Alexia Hall

Photograph by Kiere Lee

young woman sits on a rock with her dog

Clara Hall

Photograph by Kiere Lee

girl stands by a fence with her basketball

Raegan Harrelson

Photograph by Jess Sonderman

young woman stands on a dock

Diana Maria Hernandez

Photograph by Michele Hutchinson

girl in a group hug with her brother and sister

Isabella Cristina Hernandez Villegas

Photograph by Carolina Mascarin

Young man sits with his dog

Nicholas Holman

Photograph by Neal and Nikki Brett

Girl laughs leaning on a fence post

Faith Hudson

Photograph by Randy Campbell

sister and brother stand together in a field

Delaney Johnson

Photograph by Ellen Conner

girl plays at the park

Ellington Kinney

Photograph by Emily Barnes

boy draws with his art suppplies

Cortland LaBreck

Photograph by Alyssa Lewis

young girl sits in a swing

Michelle Landaro

Photograph by Michele Hutchinson

mother and daughter sit on a park bench

Shelby Larson

Photograph by John Lowry

girl sits in her chair in the park

Ariana Lorick

Photograph by John Lowry

three kids sit in a swing

The Martin Family

Photograph by Emily Barnes

boy plays with his sister in a field

Cameron Mayer

Photograph by Andrea Romero

Girl sits on the boardwalk with her dog

Adaya McDowell

Photograph by Lauren Harrah

young girl plays on a playground

Parker McKenna

Photograph by Kris Copeland

Girl laughs while swinging

Emma Miles

Photograph by John Lowry

show down betwen a boy and a goose

Bo Miller

Photograph by Kate Dye

Girl plays basketball

Sophia Monte

Photograph by Amy Keely

young girl dances in a dance class

Milla Mooney

Photograph by Katie Miller

boy plays on a play ground

Dylan Morton

Photograph by Lyndsey Chavous

boy runs with a mary-go-round

Jackson Morton

Photograph by Lyndsey Chavous

boy plays in the yard with his family

Emerson Newman

Photograph by Andrea Romero

girl sits with her mother

Daisy Nye

Photograph by Jolie Connor

father leans in to talk to his girl

Eliza O'Neill

Photograph by Emily Barnes

girl wearing a dress stands outside a stone wall

Paisley Packer

Photograph by Paisley Packer

girl plays in the sand on the beach

Mallory Padgett

Photograph by Lynzie Burdick

woman swims in a pool

Tiffany Paine

Photograph by Kiere Lee

a girl sits in the grass with open arms

Mila Petruescu

Photograph by Cassondra Johnson

kid laughs in a swing

Jack Porter

Photograph by Kaylon Blackmon

Boy splashes in a pool

Juliezer Rivera

Photograph by Emily Barnes

young man sits with headset on at a gaming pc

Drew Rogers

Photograph by Kristina DiDomenico

two sisters sit on bench

Lizzy Samples

Photograph by Emily Barnes

boy sits in his chair and using cups

Avik Senn

Photograph by Janice Sanford

girl sits with her father

Kelly Smith

Photograph by Laura Driscoll

boy laughs on a bridge in the park

Adam Sumter

Photograph by Tamara Bowdler

kid hugs his mom

Aiden Thomas

Photograph by Summers McBride

Boy plays on a playground

Pace Williams

Photograph by DeAndra Young

Girl sits on a hill at the park

Patriss Williams

Photograph by DeAndra Young

two brothers stand in a garden

Tanner and Duncan Winburn

Photograph by Janice Sanford

girl leans on a brick wall

Zoe Wingard

Photograph by LaQuanda Hart

young man lights candles at church

Joe Zambrano

Photograph by Esther Gambrell

young girl sits in a swing with her family

Lia Zunon

Photograph by Michele Hutchinson