Hopes & Dreams Conference 2025 |
Mason loves being around his family, enjoys playing with bubbles, and absolutely adores his big sister—he climbs all over her like a love bug. He is also a fighter. “You would never know looking at him that he still has a daily struggle just with normal things,” his mother, Keira says.
Mason had a stroke when he was born which caused brain damage and weakness on his right side. When he was two days old, he was diagnosed with Tetraology of Fallot—a rare, genetic heart condition. He had his first heart surgery on the day he turned six-months old.
“Because of his condition, prior to his surgery, Mason couldn’t sleep in his crib,” says Keira. “He had to be held every night and became our snuggle bunny. He still is.”
Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.