boy playing baseball with a bat

Jack M, age 5

Photograph by Teri Byrdic (2022)

Jack’s family describes him as a jokester who is precious, kind, cautious, and helpful. He enjoys jumping on a trampoline and doing anything outside—including baseball. He loves his family, Jesus, and his superheroes and costumes.

If you are around Jack for more than five minutes, you are guaranteed to smile and laugh. He always wants the best for others, cares deeply, and is wise beyond his years.

Jack was born premature, weighing four pounds and his birth mother having received no prenatal care. At an early age, he was diagnosed with reflux, sleep apnea, chronic fevers, and has a compromised immune system. He has undergone several surgeries and medical procedures related to these diagnoses to improve his quality of life. After three years of hard work, Jack has just graduated from speech therapy!

Jack is resilient and will work to find a solution if he has a problem. He is inquisitive and wants to know the why behind every thought and action. Even with his medical and speech needs, he is fiercely independent.

His mom, Jena, says: “We didn’t know we weren’t complete until Jack. He has challenged us in every aspect to be inclusive, diverse, stand up for what is right and wrong, and to look at the world through a different lens. His spirit is a true gift.”

La familia de Jack lo describe como un bromista que es precioso, amable, cauto y servicial. Le gusta saltar en la cama elástica y hacer cualquier cosa al aire libre, incluido el béisbol. Ama a su familia, a Jesús y a sus superhéroes y disfraces.

Si estás cerca de Jack durante más de cinco minutos, tienes garantizada una sonrisa y una carcajada. Siempre quiere lo mejor para los demás, se preocupa profundamente y es más sabio que su edad.

Jack nació prematuro, con un peso de un kilo y medio, y su madre biológica no recibió ningún tipo de atención prenatal. A una edad temprana, se le diagnosticó reflujo, apnea del sueño, fiebres crónicas y tiene un sistema inmunológico comprometido. Se ha sometido a varias cirugías y procedimientos médicos relacionados con estos diagnósticos para mejorar su calidad de vida. Después de tres años de duro trabajo, ¡Jack acaba de graduarse en logopedia!

Jack es resistente y trabajará para encontrar una solución si tiene un problema. Es inquisitivo y quiere saber el porqué de cada pensamiento y acción. Incluso con sus necesidades médicas y de habla, es ferozmente independiente.

Su madre, Jena, dice: “No sabíamos que no estábamos completos hasta Jack. Nos ha desafiado en todos los aspectos a ser inclusivos, diversos, a defender lo que está bien y lo que está mal, y a mirar el mundo a través de una lente diferente. Su espíritu es un verdadero regalo”.

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.