young man poses for photo

Malachi J, age 18

Photograph by Kevin White (2022)

Malachi is wise beyond his years and extremely knowledgeable about his interests. “There are many times that we have gone to him with questions because if anybody would know the answer, he does!” his mom explains. He is a creative and funny storyteller who can hold a conversation well past a typical 18-year-old’s realm of thought. He is also a peacemaker who is passionate and caring towards others. Malachi loves all aspects of Asian culture, listening to the Beatles, reading, and playing video games.

Malachi is just now starting to get the support he needs even though most people with autism spectrum disorder begin therapy as a child. This has not deterred his determination and will to succeed. Malachi can accomplish anything he puts his mind to. “He has been doing his absolute best this whole time and never grows weary of giving it his all,” his mom says. “What some consider to be a disability is what makes him so incredible, and he is going to do big things one day,” she says.

Malaquías es más sabio que su edad y extremadamente conocedor de sus intereses. “Hay muchas veces que hemos acudido a él con preguntas porque si alguien sabe la respuesta, es él”, explica su madre. Es un narrador creativo y divertido que puede mantener una conversación mucho más allá del ámbito de pensamiento típico de un joven de 18 años. También es un pacificador apasionado y solidario con los demás. A Malachi le encanta todo lo relacionado con la cultura asiática, escuchar a los Beatles, leer y jugar a los videojuegos.

Malachi acaba de empezar a recibir el apoyo que necesita, aunque la mayoría de las personas con trastorno del espectro autista comienzan la terapia cuando son niños. Esto no ha frenado su determinación y voluntad de éxito. Malaquías puede lograr cualquier cosa que se proponga. “Ha dado lo mejor de sí mismo todo este tiempo y nunca se cansa de darlo todo”, dice su madre. “Lo que algunos consideran una discapacidad es lo que le hace tan increíble, y va a hacer grandes cosas algún día”, dice.

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.