Asher B, age 3

Photograph by Nicole Garmise (2022)
Joyful and full of life, Asher is always happy. He loves to give out kisses and his belly laugh will brighten up anyone’s day. At two years old, Asher was diagnosed with autism and was completely nonverbal at the time. Since then, he has blown everyone away with his impressive language skills.
Asher is hyperlexic, meaning he has an intense early interest in letters. This has resulted in his early reading skills! He also has a photographic memory and can recall facts after only seeing or hearing them once. He can name all the planets and dwarf planets in order and can recite the alphabet in Spanish, French, and Ukrainian!
Asher is currently interested in cars and loves to push them all around the house. He recently learned to swim and loves to play in the water.
Changing his family for the better, his mom says, “Asher has taught us kindness, gentleness, patience, humility, and a love we didn’t know existed.” Asher has the amazing ability to overcome and will not let his different ability get in the way of keeping up with his brothers. He shows a perseverance and grace rarely seen by many.

Alegre y lleno de vida, Asher siempre está feliz. Le encanta repartir besos y su risa panzuda alegra el día de cualquiera. A los dos años de edad, Asher fue diagnosticado con autismo y en ese momento era completamente no verbal. Desde entonces, ha dejado a todos boquiabiertos con sus impresionantes habilidades lingüísticas.

Asher es hiperléxico, lo que significa que tiene un intenso y temprano interés por las letras. ¡Esto ha dado lugar a sus habilidades de lectura temprana!
También tiene una memoria fotográfica y puede recordar hechos después de haberlos visto o escuchado una sola vez.Puede nombrar todos los planetas y planetas enanos en orden y puede recitar el alfabeto en español, francés y ucraniano.

Actualmente, Asher está interesado en los coches y le encanta empujarlos por toda la casa. Hace poco aprendió a nadar y le encanta jugar en el agua.

Cambiando a su familia para mejor, su madre dice: “Asher nos ha enseñado bondad, dulzura, paciencia, humildad y un amor que no sabíamos que existía.” Asher tiene una asombrosa capacidad de superación y no dejará que su habilidad diferente se interponga en el camino para seguir el ritmo de sus hermanos. Demuestra una perseverancia y una gracia pocas veces vista por muchos.

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.