baby crawls

Zoey W, age 11 months

Photograph by Leah Morgan (2022)

Zoey is a miracle baby, according to her family. Born prematurely, she beat the odds, and she inspires people every day. Since leaving the NICU, she is making boundless progress, currently crawling, standing and close to walking. She is a fighter who won’t let her circumstances keep her down.

Since Zoey was born, her family has only grown closer and become more thankful for things they used to take for granted.

Zoey remains positive and cheerful through all obstacles she faces. A diagnosis of torticollis has made feeding a challenge. Therapy has been difficult at times, but her  spirit is strong and cheerful. In fact, Zoey has a smile on her sweet face through just about everything, no matter how difficult it may be.

“My daughter is such a cheerful baby,” says her mom, Tyesha. “She is our little sunshine on a cloudy day.”

Zoey es un bebé milagroso, según su familia. Nació prematuramente, pero venció las probabilidades, y cada día inspira a la gente. Desde que salió de la UCIN, está haciendo progresos ilimitados, actualmente gatea, se pone de pie y está cerca de caminar. Es una luchadora que no deja que las circunstancias la hundan.

Desde que nació Zoey, su familia no ha hecho más que acercarse y agradecer las cosas que antes daban por sentadas.

Zoey sigue siendo positiva y alegre a pesar de todos los obstáculos a los que se enfrenta. El diagnóstico de tortícolis ha convertido la alimentación en un reto. La terapia ha sido difícil a veces, pero su espíritu es fuerte y alegre. De hecho, Zoey tiene una sonrisa en su dulce rostro a través de casi todo, sin importar lo difícil que sea.
“Mi hija es un bebé tan alegre”, dice su madre, Tyesha. “Ella es nuestro pequeño sol en un día nublado”.

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.