happy boy running

Noah J, age 4

Photograph by Erica Navarro (2022)
Noah is smart, funny, and expressive. He loves to talk and has a great imagination he puts to work while doing some of his favorite activities, including building LEGOs, drawing pictures, and playing Roblox.

When you see Noah running, riding his bike, and loving the outdoors, you might never know he is diagnosed with asthma—it hasn’t slowed him down!

Noah’s love for learning inspires his mom, Tiffany. When Noah learned how to print his name, tie his shoes, and ride his bike are some of his mom’s proudest moments. She also appreciates when he asks to help her cook and admires his ability to draw beautiful pictures.

During the pandemic, Noah and his mom enjoyed learning, playing, and cooking together. Noah’s mom found the silver lining of it all and is grateful for the priceless memories of their time spent at home together.
“Noah has the brain, personality, and appeal to be a future star,” his mom says. “He has big dreams and he’s a hard worker. I’m very proud of him and I’m excited for his future.”
Noah es inteligente, divertido y expresivo. Le encanta hablar y tiene una gran imaginación que pone en práctica mientras realiza algunas de sus actividades favoritas, como construir LEGOs, hacer dibujos y jugar a Roblox.

Cuando ves a Noah corriendo, montando en bicicleta y disfrutando del aire libre, nunca sabrás que está diagnosticado de asma: ¡no le ha frenado!

El amor de Noah por el aprendizaje inspira a su madre, Tiffany. Cuando Noah aprendió a escribir su nombre, a atarse los zapatos y a montar en bicicleta son algunos de los momentos de mayor orgullo para su madre. También aprecia cuando le pide que la ayude a cocinar y admira su habilidad para hacer bonitos dibujos.

Durante la pandemia, Noah y su madre disfrutaron aprendiendo, jugando y cocinando juntos. La madre de Noah encontró el lado positivo de todo esto y está agradecida por los inestimables recuerdos del tiempo que pasaron juntos en casa.
“Noah tiene el cerebro, la personalidad y el atractivo para ser una futura estrella”, dice su madre. “Tiene grandes sueños y es muy trabajador. Estoy muy orgulloso de él y me entusiasma su futuro”.

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.