boy plays on the slide

Isaiah B, age 3

Photograph by Kevin White (2023)

Isaiah approaches life without fear. His spirit is carefree, curious, and ready for adventure. He is an acrobat, a dare devil, and a prankster. He can be sneaky when it comes to getting what he wants. His big smile helps his cause.

Isaiah’s mom, Caroline, feels his autism diagnosis is an advantage. “Isaiah sees and understands things on a deep level. He’s teaching himself what life is really about.”  While he currently doesn’t use a lot of words, he is developing speaking skills. He can count to 10 and say his ABCs. He’s working on small words—especially if they are about things he likes. He moves at his own pace, but he is achieving goals with his therapist.
When Isaiah is not enjoying the outdoors, he loves anything to do with fish and aquariums. He also likes dancing and singing while watching YouTube videos.
When Caroline thinks of the future, she sees greatness for her son. She believes without a doubt he will be successful—possibly even famous—in whatever he chooses to do. She hopes more people will understand him, and others like him, rather than try to change him.

“Isaiah’s view on life doesn’t include caring about material things or what other people think. He’s not afraid of people who are different than he is. Even at a young age, he’s gotten a lot of things right. The world needs more people like Isaiah.”

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.