boy in swing

Sullivan S, age 7

Photograph by Kristen LeQuire (2023)
“Ready, set, GO!” is how Sullivan’s mom, Christy, describes his personality. Having said these words to Sullivan many times while playing Hot Wheels cars or throwing the ball against the house, Christy would never guess “go” would be Sully’s first word. She realized later it fits him perfectly since anything with movement brings him joy.
Sullivan demonstrated a severe oral aversion by age one and is not able to eat solid foods. His parents also noticed sensory issues early on. Eventually his diagnoses would include developmental delays and autism. He was non-verbal before entering pre-school. Through occupational, speech, and other therapies, along with being in a classroom, Sullivan has come a long way with expressing himself, social interaction, and playing with others. 
His favorite activities include going to the playground, dirt bike rides, and swimming—his family calls him a fish. He enjoys an annual surfing event which gives him an opportunity to paddle out in the water and get up on the board with the supervision of an adult surfer.

Sullivan’s family says he is pure and genuine—very outgoing and loving—giving the best neck hugs to show his love and appreciation.
“Sullivan takes on challenges and demonstrates abundant happiness when he accomplishes a goal. He appreciates the simple things in life and has taught our family to do the same” says Christy. “Even when there are obstacles, he views every day as the best day ever!”

Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.