Hopes & Dreams Conference 2025 |
Levi loves people, loves being the center of attention, and has a way of ensuring people acknowledge him. “There’s something really beautiful about this—and so different from my own personality—that it’s kind of incredible to watch,” says his mom, Elizabeth.
This little boy loves books, music and watching ‘Miss Rachel.’ He knows all the hand motions that go with many of the songs she sings, like ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes.’ He doesn’t have many words yet, but he knows the sign for music. Levi likes to “play” his ukulele, and “sing” with his eyes closed, rocking back and forth and feeling the music.
After genetic testing, Levi’s parents were told that their baby had trisomy 21. Levi has changed his family in many ways. His big sister was already a wonderful, compassionate helper, but even more so with Levi. He loves pictures of his family, so they created a beautiful family picture book which he looks at often.
Levi’s mom loves how LOOK! enables people to see beyond the physical characteristics of Down syndrome. “He loves people like no one else I know, and he is two years old. I can’t even begin to imagine what this kind of love will do in the world as he grows up.”
Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.