Hopes & Dreams Conference 2025 |
Eli is very kind and cuddly. He is watchful and notices the emotional cues of others. If he senses someone is upset, he will offer them a hug. If he wants to express love, he will put his forehead against theirs.
Shortly after Eli was born, his mom, Ty noticed a difference with his eye. Eli was treated for glaucoma and was later diagnosed with Sturge Weber syndrome — a condition that causes blood vessels to form growths that can lead to seizures. At approximately six months old, Eli had his first seizure. He has had several more since then that have caused serious complications including paralysis.
When Eli comes home from the hospital with a walker or wheelchair, he starts trying to learn to walk again immediately. He has taught himself to walk four times following seizures. His family is inspired by Eli’s capable spirit and his commitment to fight through anything. Ty says he has taught her to have more perseverance in her own life and have faith.
Eli loves going to the park and going on walks, especially if there are benches he can try out along the way. He also enjoys Chick Fil-A and train rides. Last year, his twin brothers arrived. He is a wonderful big brother, always being careful around the babies.
Eli is a ray of sunshine and is the epitome of living in faith. No matter what happens, he will let you know that he and God have got this.
Family Connection of South Carolina provides services and resources to families who have a child with a disability or specialized healthcare need. Since 1990 we have served more than 100,000 families and today our services are needed more than ever. We focus on parent-to-parent support, guidance with navigating the complex healthcare system, and assistance with school meetings and special education plans.