You must navigate a complex system of services and make important decisions about your child that may be different than what you previously expected.
Get started below to receive the support, guidance and appropriate referrals to find the answers you need.
At Family Connection, we offer a variety of programs and services to address your questions and concerns on the complex healthcare, mental health, and educational systems you must navigate.
Our healthcare team offers assistance with Medicaid, TEFRA, appeals and managed care information.
Family Engagement Managers empower parents with tools, training, and support to help them understand and navigate the educational system.
Trained parent volunteers provide emotional support and information based on the child’s disability or special healthcare concern.
Our Support and Information Line serves as the central point of intake to allow our team to determine your needs and connect you with the best resources. This line is staffed Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., by professionals, the majority of whom are parents themselves.