Hopes & Dreams 2025 Schedule

Welcome to Hopes & Dreams

Family Connection’s Hopes & Dreams Conference brings together parents, students, professionals, exhibitors, and sponsors for a day of learning and collaboration.

Please consider supporting our work with families across the state. Make a donation today.

Hopes and Dreams Map

Please support today's vendors

A Special Needs Plan
Abacus Planning Group
Abiding Love Adoptions
ABS Kids
BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina
Bright Start
Carolina Behavior & Beyond
Disability Rights South Carolina
Exceptional Experiences
Family Connection of South Carolina
Glenforest School
Growing Home Southeast
Hidden Talents ABA
Little Johnny
MassMutual SpecialCare
Mighty Kidz Services
National Federation of the Blind of SC
Nightingales Nursing
Pyramid Pieces
SC Developmental Disabilities Council
SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
SC Department of Children’s Advocacy – SC Heart Gallery
SC Department of Mental Health
SC Department of Public Health – Camp Burnt Gin
SC Department of Education
SC Department of Health and Human Services – BabyNet
SC Governor’s School for Math & Science
SC Infant Mental Health Association
SC Legal Services
SC Public Charter School District
SC Respite Coalition
SC School for Deaf & Blind
SC State Library
SC Mentor
SC Child Care Inclusion Collaborative
SC Inclusive Postsecondary Education Consortium (SCIPSEC)
Springbrook Autism Behavioral Health
The Therapy Place
Tom Mayne
Transition Alliance of SC (TASC)

8:30 am

Registration & Check-In

9:00 am

Opening Remarks

9:30 am

young man smiles and hugs his mom

Tanner Smith and Nicci Smith
Love on the Spectrum

Morning Keynote

Finding Joy in the Journey

Tanner Smith is a 26-year-old South Carolina native who came into the public eye after appearing on Season 2 of Netflix’s Love on the Spectrum US. Tanner’s joyful spirit and zest for life captured the hearts of thousands, and his story of living and thriving on the Autism Spectrum has been an inspiration and source of hope to many. Tanner was diagnosed with high functioning Autism and Sensory Integration Dysfunction at 4 years old. He is a 2022 graduate of ClemsonLIFE and a proud employee at The Shepherd Hotel in Clemson, SC.

Nicci Smith is a proud mother to 4 children, autism advocate, and fitness enthusiast. Sharing her family’s story of Tanner’s diagnosis, acceptance, and eventual joy in the Autism journey has been a dream come true for her. Nicci’s greatest wish is to spread hope and inspiration to other families who are blessed with a differently abled child. 

10:15 am

Break for Exhibitors

10:30 am

Breakout Session 1

Piedmont Room - Breakout 1

Decoding TEFRA & SSI: The Roadmap to Eligibility

Amber Lydford,
SC Vocational Rehabilitation Department

Beverly Harper & Cortney Heuer
Family Connection of SC

Do you have questions about TEFRA, SSI, and how they affect Medicaid eligibility? This workshop is designed to help families and caregivers gain a strong foundation in these essential programs. We’ll explore how TEFRA and SSI work, their key differences, and how they interact within Medicaid. By the end of the session, participants will feel more confident in navigating eligibility requirements and accessing necessary benefits.
Sandhill Room - Breakout 1

South Carolina Law for Families

Kirby MItchell, SC Legal

From education and public benefits to family law, understanding South Carolina’s legal landscape for youth with disabilities and special healthcare needs is essential. This session will provide state-specific updates, including recent changes to the guardianship filing process in South Carolina. Attendees will leave with valuable insights, practical guidance, and resources to access legal services and support their families effectively.
Palmetto Room - Breakout 1

Empowered Parents, Stronger Schools: Leading Change in Special Education

Dr. Nicole Adams,
Lexington One School District

Parent leadership is a powerful force in shaping effective special education policies. This session will guide parents of students with disabilities in forming and leading a Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). Experts will share strategies, lessons learned, and best practices for building meaningful collaboration between school districts and parents. Attendees will gain practical tools to strengthen their leadership skills, advocate for systemic change, and create a positive impact on the special education experience for all students.
Pee Dee Room - Breakout 1

Your Voice Matters: Let’s Advocate for Kids

Deborah DePaoli & Citaly Rojo,
Institute for Child Success

Being an advocate for children means standing up for their rights, well-being, and opportunities to thrive. Using your voice can make a difference, from supporting a child’s individual needs to influencing broader policy changes that benefit all children. This session will explore ways parents and caregivers can become effective champions for children in their communities.
Low Country Room - Breakout 1

Bridging Supports: Everything You Need to Know about Transition from Part C to Part B

Jennifer Buster,

Sherri Evans,
SC Department of Education

This session will focus on the key components of early childhood within IDEA. Moving from Part C to B requires a coordinated effort to ensure children receiving early intervention (Part C) can access early childhood special education (Part B) prior to the child’s third birthday. This session will discuss effective implementation of strategies to support families and will also cover Child Find components of Part C and Part B.

11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Break for Lunch (not provided)

12:30 pm

Opening Remarks

12:45 pm

woman with a puppet

Amy Nelson, Emotional Milestones

Afternoon Keynote

Get ready to be inspired and motivated by ‘Quirky Kid’ Amy Nelson, LCSW, LSCSW, RPT-S, an autistic professional and the award-winning author of Every Bunny Can Learn: A Tail of Inclusion, which won first place in Disability Awareness at the prestigious Royal Dragonfly Book Awards. As a Play Therapist, ECSE Clinical Social Worker, and celebrated keynote speaker, Amy champions neurodiversity and inclusion with unmatched expertise and authenticity. Her dynamic presentations inspire educators to create sensory-smart, inclusive spaces where every child can thrive. Join Amy in embracing the power of diverse minds at the 2025 Hopes & Dreams Conference!

1:45 pm

Break for Exhibitors

2:00 pm

Breakout Session 2

Piedmont Room - Breakout 2

Neurodivergent Play! A Different Way

Amy Nelson,
Emotional Milestones

To support neurodivergent children, we must recognize that different brains need different approaches! A variety of needs necessitate implementing various strategies, sensory supports, and environmental modifications. This workshop will teach you how to understand better, appreciate, and support neurodivergent play.
Sandhill Room - Breakout 2

Hot Topics in Education Policy

Jennifer Rainville,
SC Appleseed

Education policy is constantly evolving, with legislative decisions directly impacting students and families. This session will provide updates from the South Carolina State House, focusing on key policy discussions, including pre-K expulsion, school vouchers, and other legislative initiatives shaping the state’s education landscape. Participants will gain insight into how these policies affect their children and communities.
Palmetto Room - Breakout 2

DDSN 101: Overview of Department of Disabilitites and Special Needs

Stephanie Turner,

This session is designed to empower parents and caregivers with the knowledge and resources needed to navigate the SC Department of Disabilities and Special Needs (DDSN). This session will cover an overview of available services and supports across the state available to children and young adults with disabilities.
Pee Dee Room - Breakout 2

Guardianship and Alternatives

Anna Maria Connor,
Disability Rights of SC

Families are often told they need to obtain guardianship over their disabled child. What does that mean for them and their child? In this session we will discuss the effect of guardianship and also legal alternatives which can be used to help family members retain their independence while still receiving the help they might want.
Low Country Room - Breakout 2

Life Care Planning: Making the Future More Secure for your Dependent with Special Needs

Doug Vogel

This workshop will cover the essentials of creating a Life Care Plan for a loved one with special needs. It will address critical issues like protecting government benefits (SSI and Medicaid), establishing Special Needs Trusts, creating a Will, Guardianship, financial strategies (including ABLE Accounts), and preparing Letters of Intent. Attendees will learn about the steps, resources, and tools to develop a personalized plan that ensures the well-being and care of your dependent now and in the future.

3:00 pm

Break for Exhibitors

3:15 pm

Breakout Session 3

Piedmont Room - Breakout 3

Independent Living: Planning for the Future

Hannah Mathis & Cindy Tomlinson,
Family Connection of SC

Have you and your youth reached the stage where you’re starting to consider what independence will life look like after high school? What support systems should be in place to increase daily living skills and independence before beginning this journey? In this training, we’ll explore essential tools to help guide conversations about independent living, adult Medicaid waiver supports, Social Security benefits, and work programs. Our goal is to reduce fear and empower you with knowledge and resources needed to navigate this transition as you take next steps towards your youth’s successful future

Sandhill Room - Breakout 3

Educational Success for Students Experiencing Homelessness

Birley Wright, Kimberly Humphrey
SC Department of Education

This session will examine the challenges faced by students experiencing homelessness and those in foster care in South Carolina, emphasizing the supports available to ensure their academic success. Participants will gain insights into the McKinney-Vento Act and state-specific foster care policies that promote stability and access to education. The discussion will highlight best practices, collaborative strategies, and real-world applications to support students effectively. Attendees will leave with new knowledge and tools to enhance learning opportunities in schools across South Carolina.
Palmetto Room - Breakout 3

Primary Care Management of Autism Spectrum Disorders

Dr. Shawna McCafferty,

Primary care management of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in South Carolina involves a team of professionals, and may include pediatricians, psychologists, therapists, and other specialists. The goal is to provide coordinated care to help autistic children reach their full potential. This session aims to clarify screening, monitoring, referrals, and clinician/parent communication to support family engagement.
Pee Dee Room - Breakout 3

Exclusionary Discipline Practices in Early Childhood: Definitions and Resources to Prevent These Practices

Heather Googe & Kerri Wikel,
USC Child Development Research Center

During this session, we will describe the policy landscape in our state related to exclusionary practices such as suspension and expulsion. We will explore the process used to draft definitions that can be shared across the early childhood system to develop policies and professional development to reduce or eliminate these exclusionary practices in early childhood. We will highlight current supports in SC to prevent the use of these practices for providers and families. This session will also solicit feedback from attendees related to their current needs related to suspension and expulsion in their work.
Low Country Room - Breakout 3

March Into Spring With These School Tips

Dr. Susan Thomas

Spring is a busy time for schools and families! This session will cover helpful tips to plan for testing season in schools, transitions to new school levels, and discussing extended school year services with your students IEP team.

Thank you for attending Hopes & Dreams

We hope you have enjoyed today’s session and leave feeling inspired and educated.  If you would like to help support our work with families across the state, please consider making a donation today.

Made possible by the support of our sponsors


Ongoing Sponsor

Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina
SC Developmental Disabilities Council
Little Johnny
create abundance abacus
South Carolina Department of Disabilities and Special Needs
Transition Alliance of South Carolina
HealthLinks Magazine
Alliance for a Healthier South Carolina