A job can have a profound effect on someone’s well-being. A good job creates financial stability, can make a person feel more secure and help them plan for the future. A good job provides benefits and other supports to workers when they need them. And when workers have a voice and opportunities to learn and grow, good jobs promote a sense of belonging.  

That’s just one of the reasons that the Department of Labor wants to create not just any job but good jobs, and more pathways into those good jobs for young people. The department is committed to making sure everyone can get access to the support they need to live full and healthy lives.  

For young adults in particular, positive, safe, and age-appropriate workforce development and training programs – like internships, apprenticeships, and mentoring programs – can also be important access points to information and resources on supporting mental health.  

In May, the department launched a new webpage (www.dol.gov/youthmentalhealth) devoted to young people’s mental health needs. Whether you’re a young person, part of the workforce system, an employer, or a policymaker, we all have a role supporting young people’s well-being including by helping more young people access the mental health resources they need… and get into good jobs that they can build a healthy life around and thrive.      

We encourage you to explore the content and share with the department what you are doing in your community on this important topic by submitting your stories through their new webpage. Compiling these stories and sharing them helps spread the word about youth mental health. Contribute today, and your story may be shared on a department platform.