As part of Down Syndrome Awareness Month each October, Buddy Walk is a celebration for families who have a child with Down syndrome. Individuals and teams register and raise funds online throughout October. Then, at the end of the month we host a festive celebration for families, sponsors, donors and friends!
Buddy Walk 2024 was held on Sunday, October 27th. We had a wonderful celebration honoring 25 years of Buddy Walk in Columbia!
If you are interested in Volunteer Leadership opportunities to help plan next year’s event or in sponsorship opportunities, contact Jacki Garbinsky!
Our Hopes and Dreams Conference offers professionals, family members and self-advocates an opportunity to learn more about resources and support available to the special needs community. Families can connect with professionals, and this increased communication sets the stage for children and individuals with disabilities to reach their full potential.
Hopes and Dreams will be held Thursday, March 27, 2025 at R2i2 Conference Center!
Interested in sponsorship opportunities? Contact [email protected]
LOOK! is an annual photography exhibit showcasing the beauty and unique abilities of the children of families we serve. Local photographers donate photo sessions to capture compelling images of these children in their favorite settings.
We hope viewers of the LOOK! exhibit take a moment to reflect, and to see the joy and everyday moments experienced by children and youth who also happen to have a disability.
Photo sessions for LOOK! 2025 are open through early April. Apply now!